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When God Moves

Oh this word is so good!

I have never thought of the moving of the Spirit quite this way before...

Ask God to give you eyes to see the Wind.
It’s blowing!

And have you assumed that His movement would be wrapped in glory and blessing? That if only God would move in your family, in your marriage, in your church, in your community, in your own life, something dramatic would happen, and things would get better?

Yes. But now I see...

I keep reading the message, and I kid you not when I say I am having an Ezekiel moment here (Eze 3:1)...like I have just been handed a scroll, and been told to eat it ...it`s sweet and bitter all at once...
Yes. But now I see...

I keep reading the message, and I kid you not when I say I am having an Ezekiel moment here (Eze 3:1)...like I have just been handed a scroll, and been told to eat it ...it`s sweet and bitter all at once...

Dear lady, I find myself responding to your post. As I read the O.P. myself again.

The words of the 'Man of God' stil thrill, stir, move me....to my roots. etc. Dear Lord Jesus......I thank Jesus for him, and his message of Salvation.

I travelled the land to hear him 'preach the gospel'.

I pray God will raise up another....to take his place. It would be precious.
Strangely enough it was his daughter...a woman...who wrote that.

Bless you stephen

What painful experience are you now going through? Could it be evidence of the Wind?

Instead of rushing God or helping Him out, would you give Him time to move?

Is it possible that... you have been resisting God’s purpose when it involves pain and patience?