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Maintain a Repentant Heart

Christians are called to maintain a repentant heart, routinely acknowledging sin and seeking God's grace and mercy in the midst of their mistakes. We don't
have to ask for saving forgiveness more than once. When we appealed to God for mercy, trusting upon His Son to save us from the penalty of sin, then we are saved and will never bear the punishment for our sins.

Do you not feel regret or sorrow after sinful behavior; like anger, gossip, jealousy, self-righteousness, etc. I do! Before I was saved, I never remember saying to God, "I'm sorry for my behavior, please forgive me." I was controlled by my feelings, not the Holy Spirit. Now when I sin in my thoughts, my words, or my actions; the Holy Spirit prompts me to acknowledge my sin before my Father in heaven.

Earlier today I was angry with my husband about something he didn't do. I let my feelings take over and I said some mean things to him. Immediately, the Holy Spirit let me know I didn't handle the situation correctly. The Holy Spirit prompted me to ask God to forgive me and then ask my husband to forgive me. The main goal of the Holy Spirit is to transform me into the likeness of Jesus. This is an on-going work of the Holy Spirit. He will continue to change my thoughts, my words, and my actions until God calls me home.

My spirit is without sin, no more repentance. My body (thoughts, words, actions) is not without sin; therefore I need to maintain a repentant heart. I don't feel condemned when I sin. I talk to God about it, ask Him to forgive me, and move on; depending on the Holy Spirit's supernatural power to change me. Every day the Holy Spirit is transforming my thoughts, words and actions towards perfection; which I will obtain when I receive my new, spiritual body.

I'm not appealing for relief from Hell; I'm appealing for relief from the discipline of the Lord. 1 John 1:9-If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Remember Jesus' instructions to the church of Ephesus in Rev. 2:5. The Holy Spirit won't let us live in unrepentant sin, not if He truly dwells within our spirit. If He's controlling our lives, He will always prompt us to repent of any behavior that is not pleasing to our Father in heaven.

A Christian living with an unrepentant heart cannot have God's peace. This is one of the ways He disciplines us. Once we admit we messed up, God's peace comes back and calms our heart. To live without God's peace is a miserable place to be. If believers live in unrepentant sin, they will see the consequences of their sin visited upon them as discipline from the Lord. Hebrews 12:7-11.

Lord, thank You for sending the Person of the Holy Spirit to live in us when we accepted You as our Savior. He helps us maintain a repentant heart. Holy Spirit continue to comfort us, guide us, and teach us God's will for our lives. I ask in Jesus' holy name, Amen.

Love in Christ,
Jan :)


Hi Jan, it's lovely to hear some of your experiences of the Christian life.
As long as we keep our feet on the narrow way, Jesus is faithful to make
sure we enter through the right gate, but in my experience it's a slow process,
Of repentance, which is a good thing, because we can now recognise our sin
and move on to perfection in hope one day.
With Love, Wnl