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By His Wounds, GREAT VIDEO

This is beautiful..be blessed.

Staff Member
Good song and lyrics.

For those who want to know who wrote the song:

(taken from Youtube description)

By His Wounds by Brian Litrell, David Nasser and Mac Powell
Hey thanks so much for that it was great!

do you know if there is any way to (legally) download that video?

God Bless

Love Jack
Awesome video!!

As i was listening to this video, John 3.16 came to my mind "For God so loved the World that He gave His ONLY begotten son,that whoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Main emphasis ONLY Son. God gave out the best,the only son He got to save us. A question came to my mind, What am i giving to God, Am i giving God the best that i am and have? I would like to ask you, Are you giving God the best you have? This can be your time with Him-devotion, are you faithful in Tithing and giving of offering? In serving God with the gifts He's blessed you with are you doing your best?

Always Remember He gave the Best and the ONLY one He had,YET we were still sinners, Now we receive ALL the benefits of calvary. That blows my mind!!
A group of ladies and I did a dance to this song for our Resurrection Day program one year. It's a great song!