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Are soulties real ???

i was wandering if any of you, know or believe about soulties?, you see my
wife and i came to the lord on the same night, 4 months b4 we were married.
she still has admitted to feelings that she shouldnt have for an ex
boyfriend that she was engaged to when a teenager. i get jealous and feel
unloved sometimes but have been praying for deliverance for both of us. have
you any suggestions please.

Soulties a very real . The soul tie can easily be broken in prayer , but the renewing of the mind will take time and counsel . Please keep me informed . It is not a magic trick and I don't want it to sound that way . Let me know . :boy_hug: Mike
Yes. There is no doubt that soul ties are real. However, soul ties do not have the power over you unless you give it to them. Your wife has to make a decision to turn away from thoughts of the past. This is the flesh, the old man, the old nature. We have to decide that we will simply not be looking back or looking to whatever! We decide to look toward our spouses with love and acceptance.

Just neglecting "soul ties" or demonic influence or fleshy responses is enough most often to break their influence and power. There is nothing more powerful than the human decision when it comes to such things. Once the decision is made and carried out in thought and deed the Lord pours out his grace giving power and unction and victory. It is up to your wife. I think once she understands this, she will know it is true.

A study and meditation upon Romans 8 may shed some light.
That is one of the things that I talk about often because when people awaken love too soon troubles unfortunately arise. That's biblical in Song of Solomon. It talks about not awakening love before it's time. In the flesh we often confuse romantic love with spiritual love. Spiritual love is not based upon feelings. It's not based upon looks, or clothes, or houses, or land, or money or any of these things. The Bible clearly defines what true love is.. we should all strive to be like Christ. Read in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 "Love suffers long & is kind, Love does not envy, Love does not parade itself, Love is not puffed up, Love does not behave rudely & does not seek it's own, Love is not provoked, Love thinks no evil, Love does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth, Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. True love never fails." (Paraphase mine). That is what love is. Feelings that you wife may have may be very real, but... the thing is when she came to Christ the two of you came to Christ together in marriage. That sealed it. She can "choose" tobe with thisother man, but in the end, it's about free will, and God will not mess with that. She needs to know what it is she is looking for, a feeling or a union forever in Christ. There is God's permissive will, and there is his perfect will, she has to decide which is more important. With tools to learn how to bring the fire back into the marriage, she can have the same fire with you that she says she is feeling for him. There are true soul -ties, or soul mates. Those that are joined by Christ are soul-ties forever. The choice is hers. Even if you didn't have a soul-tie before, you have one with her when you stood before God and joined together. What God has joined together.. let not man seperate. I believe that's in the Bible as well. Make sure that the love is Christ centered and binding and you can overcome any obstacles. She needs to do some true "soul-searching" to understand and become one with the true soul-tie. First to Christ, and then to you.. her husband. I hope it helps. I will be praying for you. God bless you and stay strong, and keep praying. Prayer really does change things. "j"