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  1. G

    I'm lost. help me.

    I personally think Evolution is a bunch of bunk; I'm a relatively smart guy, but my questions have never been answered to my satisfaction. I am essentially expected to take certain aspects of it "on faith" without actually calling it that. Faith has nothing to do with a scientific theory (which...
  2. G

    The Failure of Atheism to Account for Existence

    You made some relevant points, namely that atheists aren't persecuted in America like they often claim. That being said, my only point is to get away from referring to people en mass and starting speaking to individuals. Jesus preached to crowds, but His greatest moments were in smaller...
  3. G

    let him return unto the LORD,

    What part of "being transformed" did you not understand, Tommy? Clearly that does not suggest we remain as sinners, so why twist my words? Do you concoct arguments if there aren't any legitimate ones to be had? If you're going to insist on a berserker rage, I'm going to pass on this conversation.
  4. G

    let him return unto the LORD,

    It's difficult to measure the duration of eternal things. Salvation is eternal, just as the atonement is eternal. When a mortal being pays an eternal debt, then he's dead forever; as an eternal being, Jesus paid the full measure of that debt and yet rose again. That boggles the mind a bit, but...
  5. G

    The Failure of Atheism to Account for Existence

    Well, Chad, I'm sorry to have offended you and your 18,000 members that I don't know. Surely my point wasn't lost in the fracas?
  6. G

    Is it faith alone??

    This is really not so complicated as to warrant 15 pages of bickering. If you believe something, then you're going to follow through with it. If you acknowledge something but don't follow through with it, then you don't really believe it. Pride may require a greater exposition, but truth does...
  7. G

    Friend says they don't deserve to be saved.

    Then he hasn't repented. Romans 12:2 explains the need for repentance very well: "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may know the good and perfect will of God." Repentance in English, as well as metanoia in Greek, mean the same thing: "rethinking" or "a change of mind." When...
  8. G

    Fire in the Sky

    Exodus 24:17 And the sight of the glory of the LORD was like devouring fire on the top of the mount in the eyes of the children of Israel. I think the raw presence of God is something that a corrupt creation cannot endure any better than, well, wax can handle flame (Psalm 97:5).
  9. G

    Your Rapture view?

    It's my opinion that anyone who reads Revelation with any sort of Rapture-related mentality is missing the point of the book entirely. It's not eschatological; it's timeless. It is not a book of enigmatic prophetic predictions, but an unveiling of God's eternal plan as played out on earth...
  10. G

    What would you do if aliens were real?

    So far, I think I'm tracking closest to brakelite. What I don't understand is why some believers feel the need to be so dogmatically driven about even the most speculative and hypothetical topics. Who cares in the end? This thread reminds me of C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy. Even if you can't read...
  11. G

    The Failure of Atheism to Account for Existence

    When you attempt to tell somebody they're wrong, it's best to target your explanation to them personally. 'Atheism' is a pretty weak banner around which to rally, but then many Christians don't understand Existentialism, Materialism, or other philosophies well enough to speak to them. Instead of...
  12. G

    The Rapture

    I believe the first resurrection has already been instituted. When Jesus rose from the grave, He was fully and completely resurrected--the firstborn over Creation. The early church stood as the firstfruits of the resurrection. When the day of reckoning comes, then the resurrection of the just...
  13. G

    Is it faith alone??

    Yeah, I think I'm done talking to people on here when they're only interested in picking a fight. For the record, Tommy, I wasn't disagreeing with you, so get off your high horse.
  14. G

    Is Jesus really God?

    Good Lord, you people are testy. I was responding specifically to the notion that the phrase "Son of God" symbolizes sun worship; my comments were not an haphazard rant against the evil existence of the sun.
  15. G

    The Rapture

    I'm a youth pastor, as well as a member of my church's board of leaders. That's just at church. I also hit the streets to do witnessing. Fear not; I am no nick-knack. I'm just not afraid of wrath. John 17:15 "I pray not that thou shouldest take them from the world, but that thou shouldest keep...
  16. G

    The Rapture

    Maybe you're unaware, Ms. Dolittl, that the Church was suffering under tremendous tribulation during the time of Revelation's writing. Christians were being taken from their homes, their property confiscated, and they were being thrown to lions. Emperor Nero was said to use Christians as human...
  17. G

    Is Jesus really God?

    Michelle, earlier you quoted the Nicene Creed. The Council of Nicea was arranged in order to settle the controversy over the heresy of Arius, who claimed that Jesus was not eternal and was not divine (the records of the council claim that St. Nicholas, later known as Santa Claus, got up and...
  18. G

    Is Jesus really God?

    It's tough for pseudo-scholars to understand that homonyms (words that sound alike, such as there, their, and they're) do not exist in different languages. The Greek word for "son" is uihos, while the Greek word for "sun" is ilios. In Hebrew, the distinction is even greater: "sun" is shemesh...
  19. G

    Holy Spirit

    Websites and forums are generally whatever you make of them. Whether or not the Holy Spirit is manifested here is entirely dependent upon the users, for it is up to them to walk in the Spirit. Being relatively new (even though my registration was awhile ago), I think it's a toss-up that depends...
  20. G

    suicide causing from evil people and spirits

    That other language was Greek. I do want to make the point to you personally, and to anyone reading this, that there is no special combination of words or essential declarations that must be made. That is in the realm of incantations, which is a form of magick (A warding spell in Wicca, for...